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Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Road Not Taken - BFF 129

BFF 129 Monday Madness

The Road Not Taken

An alternate ending.  As my Mother often says, “Coulda, woulda, shoulda”.   Hindsight.  For me, the road not taken is specifically the road not taken for a reason….I didn’t want to travel that road.  Thank you very much.
 Hindsight being 20 / 20, I probably should have washed my hands longer after handling the jalapeño peppers, then rubbed my eyes!  Mmmmm, the home-made poppers were delicious!  I like to eat.

 Hindsight and revering the road not taken is to be remorseful for actions taken.  I should have “insert here” and then we wouldn’t be in whatever pickle we are in. 

The road not taken is usually a melancholy, wine laden, trip down an invented memory lane.  The road not taken is typically seen through rose colored glasses.  Omitting all of the reasons it is in fact the road not taken.  That particular road was riddled with pot holes, which were there for the viewing of all who chose to look in that direction. 

The road not taken is most often a self-indulging ego trip of the imagination.  What could have been.  What would have been.  What should have been.  But, it isn’t.  It is what it is.  Move forward!  If only I had zigged instead of zagged, I may have missed hitting the dog.  If only…I had done this instead of that.  If only…she hadn’t fallen.  If only….the terrorists had been caught before the bombing of the Twin Towers.  If only…the road not taken is a trip for the victims of the world.  I try to choose not to be a victim of my self-indulging ego.
Better I should focus on tomorrow and the battles I will encounter then.  Rather than the road not taken, let me like the choices I have made, the life I am leading, the people I have surrounded myself with.  Rather than the road not taken, let me look at my current situation and determine what life lessons I can garner from today to take into tomorrow.  Who shall I meet, for as you know, everyone you have ever met has had some sort of “lesson” for you to learn. 

Woulda, coulda, shoulda never got anyone anywhere.  Let’s you and I move forward in life towards a better day tomorrow.  Let’s look forward to meet our challenges head on with an optimistic outlook.



  1. Exactly how I feel and I love the tribute to Mr. Jobs. Great write, Leigh.

  2. Just wonderful! This: "...the road not taken is a trip for the victims of the world. I try to choose not to be a victim of my self-indulging ego." is perfection!
