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Friday, September 23, 2011

Thoughts on Loyalty

GBE 2: Blog On – Loyalty

The ability to be unswerving in allegiance.  The ability to be unswerving in allegiance.  It matters not to whom, what, when or where.  Simply the ability….to be unswerving….in allegiance. 
I don’t know that I am a very loyal patriot.  I’m not very “unswerving” in my concerns about what people say regarding patriotism. Not that much grinds my gears.  Go ahead, make a joke about the United States.  Go ahead, make a joke about our president.  Go ahead make a joke about our educational system….oooohhh…now…for me, there is a hot spot.
I don’t know that I am a very loyal employee.  I’m not unswerving in my concerns about a company that has little to no compassion for me as an individual.  I am fairly loyal to some employers some of my peers, but the “company”, not so much.  Go ahead, make a joke about the money they are retaining and not hiring.  Go ahead, make a joke about how the company will get a better tax break than the employees.  Go ahead, make a joke about the educational system preparing students to enter the real world work place…oooohhh…now…for me, there’s a hot spot.

I don’t get my knickers in a knot when someone jokes about my family.  Talk bad, and I will defend to the bitter end!  I will defend that you do NOT have the right to say whatever negative idea pops into your head about my family…I DO!  They are MY family.  Family is family: husband, children, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, etcetera. Think what you will, keep your internal dialogue, internal.  So, I guess I’m moderately loyal to my kin.  And, I’m guessing most of my friends are my kin….they just don’t know they are “kissin’ cousins”.

Do we consider ourselves loyal to ideals or things?  I guess that would depend on the person.  I’m fairly shallow.  Yeah, I’ll admit it.  I don’t think I am very loyal to things. It takes up too much of my energy to worry about a “thing”, when I have windmills to joust with. I try to buy local first, then expand my purchasing power outward.  Then, I get to the point where my pocket book needs to have at least one dollar in it.  It feels naked without at least one dollar.  Sometimes, the purchase must be made for an item that is not local in order to appease my pocket book.  I don’t really have any particular “brand” that I am loyal to.

I think loyalty, as many other emotions, comes on many levels and encompasses many “people, place or things”.



  1. Great post. Like you, I think loyalty, as many other emotions, comes on many levels.

  2. No one is aloud to insult my people but me. :)

